Not able to delete Application

zammad: 3.2
os: debian 10.2
installation: package
browser: chrome latest

Using the UI to delete an application (Admin > API > Applications) results in the following error in the production.log

I, [2020-02-20T21:40:31.666480 #6113-46965951128540]  INFO -- : Started DELETE "/api/v1/applications/2" for XXXX at 2020-02-20 21:40:31 +0100
I, [2020-02-20T21:40:31.670250 #6113-46965951128540]  INFO -- : Processing by ErrorsController#routing as JSON
I, [2020-02-20T21:40:31.670293 #6113-46965951128540]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"a"=>"api/v1/applications/2"}
E, [2020-02-20T21:40:31.672910 #6113-46965951128540] ERROR -- : No route matches [DELETE] /api/v1/applications/2 (ActionController::RoutingError)

Looks like a bug - can you please create a bug report on Github? :slight_smile:`

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