New Feature Suggestions: Feedback Score, Advanced Agent Rights


I would like to make suggestions to include the following features :

  1. Feedback System :
    The Customer should be able to give a feedback on the close tickets (Rating of 1-5) and/or notes of feedback which will be added to the agent’s cumulative/average feedback scores.
    This will help a lot in evaluating an Agent’s performance

  2. Advanced Agent Rights :
    Separate access rights could be created to allow/disallow an Agent to :
    a. Merge tickets
    b. Change Customer Owner of the Ticket (I am not talking about changing ownership of the ticket)
    c. See Customer Information
    d. Change Customer Information
    e. Create Customers
    f. Change/Edit Organisation
    By default the above is always allowed

  3. Emails by Agent :
    By default, an agent is able to send an email to ANY* email address from the ticket reply window. There should be a configurable option to allow/disallow an Agent to send email to another email address. By default they should only be able to send email to the customer.

  4. Admin Section Creation of User :
    For better security, while defining roles, there should be an option to allow user only to create users with certain Roles. Eg. If an Admin or Agent is given user creation rights, he/she can change the Original admin as well. Technically a user should not be able to create user ‘higher’ than his own rights.
    This can be implemented in 2 ways :
    i. Give a new db column ‘level’ to roles. User can enter numbers in this level and user should only be able to create roles with higher numbers i.e. we assume admin is level 1 which is the ‘highest’ per se.
    ii. Explicitly define ‘Roles’ the ‘Role’ can create.

  5. Triggers :
    Triggers should be able to call scripts (PHP/RUBY/URL/POST/GET etc.) ( I think this has been requested before)

PS: If the above can be done using Zammad Packages, I would love to try and post back the result to the Community! (Just need help to start in the right direction)


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