Hi @rastal7707. What is logged in the production.log
when you try to update the database via GUI?
Hey @fliebe92,
in the log I can see the following error message:
E, [2024-09-27T08:28:57.706665#591-150240] ERROR -- : PG::StringDataRightTruncation: FEHLER: Wert zu lang für Typ character varying(3)
app/models/object_manager/attribute.rb:648:in `block in migration_execute'
app/models/object_manager/attribute.rb:591:in `migration_execute'
app/controllers/object_manager_attributes_controller.rb:69:in `execute_migrations'
app/controllers/application_controller/has_download.rb:17:in `block (4 levels) in <module:HasDownload>'
app/controllers/application_controller/has_download.rb:16:in `block (3 levels) in <module:HasDownload>'
app/controllers/application_controller/has_download.rb:15:in `block (2 levels) in <module:HasDownload>'
app/controllers/application_controller/handles_transitions.rb:16:in `handle_transaction'
Is the message related to the problem?
Best regards
Hi @rastal7707. Yes, it is.
Hi @fliebe92,
OK and how can I fix the error?
Hi @rastal7707. You need to identify which value is already stored in which attribute and is causing the issue. I have no clue about your database and cannot help further on, sorry.
This might be helpful
zammad run rails r "pp Ticket.where('LENGTH(personalnummer) > 3').pluck(:number, :title)"
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This is the solution. I was able to find the incorrect ticket and correct it. Thanks!
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