Merge Tickets NOT working after upgrade to 3.6.x


  • Used Zammad version: Zammad version 3.6.x
  • Used Zammad installation source (source, package, …): yum rpm repo (package)
  • Operating system: Centos 7.9
  • Browser + version: FireFox 83.0 (64-bit)

Expected behavior:

  • Doing Merge for many tickets from same customer to collect all customer’s related tickets.

Actual behavior:

  • When try merge ticket an error appears as shown in attached image file:

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

After upgrade to the latest version using the yum repository, some API URLs stopped working with 404
here is some detected from production.log

Started GET "/api/v1/tags/add?object=Ticket&o_id=116356&item=abusive+ad&_=1606161457329"

Processing by ErrorsController#routing as JSON

Parameters: {"object"=>"Ticket", "o_id"=>"116356", "item"=>"abusive ad", "_"=>"1606161457329", "a"=>"api/v1/tags/add"}

No route matches [GET] /api/v1/tags/add (ActionController::RoutingError)

Started DELETE "/api/v1/ticket_attachment_upload"

Processing by ErrorsController#routing as JSON

Parameters: {"form_id"=>"163030266", "a"=>"api/v1/ticket_attachment_upload"}

No route matches [DELETE] /api/v1/ticket_attachment_upload (ActionController::RoutingError)

Started GET "/api/v1/ticket_related/116356?_=1606161457335"

Processing by TicketsController#ticket_related as JSON

Parameters: {"_"=>"1606161457335", "ticket_id"=>"116356"}

Completed 200 OK in 178ms (Views: 28.9ms | ActiveRecord: 32.4ms)

Started GET "/api/v1/ticket_merge/116356/97116278?_=1606161457336"

Processing by ErrorsController#routing as JSON

Parameters: {"_"=>"1606161457336", "a"=>"api/v1/ticket_merge/116356/97116278"}

No route matches [GET] /api/v1/ticket_merge/116356/97116278 (ActionController::RoutingError)

while zammad run rake routes result for those three methods:
PUT /api/v1/ticket_merge/:slave_ticket_id/:master_ticket_number(.:format)
POST /api/v1/tags/add(.:format)

Please note browser cache is deleted and also tested on other browsers

Thank you in advance

We have several threads with this topic.
Ensure the browser cache is cleared and the update was really completed and successful.

Clearing Zammads own cache with restarting may help too:
systemctl stop zammad; zammad run rails r "Cache.clear"; systemctl start zammad

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