Google login error 422


  • Used Zammad version: 5.1.x
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Debian 10
  • Browser + version: Firefox 103.0, Chrome Version 103.0.5060.134, Version 103.0.1264.77

To allow the users to login to Zammad via google I’ve enabled “Automatic account link on initial logon” and I enabled the Google+ API.

Now I’m trying to login via google login with a user who was automatically created by the system.
For some reasons the login works from some notebooks sometimes with Edge browser and sometimes not, sometimes with chrome and sometimes not. It’s a very irregular behavior.

I’ve checked out on topics with similar issues, but couldn’t find a clear answers. I appreciate any hint to solve that problem.

Expected behavior:

  • Login to the system

Actual behavior:

  • When I try to login to Zammad via Google Login it gives me the error message 422. But only with some browsers and from some notebooks.

Case 1: works with chrome, firefox and edge
Case 2: works with chrome, edge but not with firefox
Case 3: works not with chrome, firefox or edge

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Login via Google-Login with a user who was automatically created by the system

This is most likely an caching issue.
If you open the login mask and wait a long time this might also happen.

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