Hi, I haven’t found any information on the call events für the http request.
in my program I can enter the url and the coller ID, but zammad needs some more I guess?
The problem is that you need to POST the information in XML to the api, not GET a specific URL
This is an excerpt of our script that is active on our phone server: xml.Open "POST", "https://helpdesk.domain.com/api/v1/cti/APITOKEN", False xml.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" xml.send DataToSend
The DataToSend is put together in another function depending on the event.
For an incoming call the function looks like this: DataToSend = "event=newCall&from=" & PBXCall.CallingPartyNumber & "&to=" & PBXCall.DialedNumber & "&direction=in&callId=" & PBXCall.CallId & "&user[]="
The resulting string would be like this: event=newCall&from=+491234567890&to=1234&direction=in&callId=12345678&user[]=
The different events we use are newCall answer hangup