Finished scheduler tasks are not noticed by the webinterface


  • Used Zammad version: 3.6.0
  • Used Zammad installation source: source within custom Docker containers
  • Operating system: Host: Ubuntu 20.04, Docker containers based on ubuntu:20.04
  • Browser + version: Firefox 84.0.2 (on Ubuntu 20.04)

Expected behavior:

Scheduled tasks are conducted and the webinterface is updated properly (considering the task state).

Actual behavior:

Scheduled tasks are run by the scheduler as expected, but the the rest of Zammad doesn’t seem to get notified about it.

Use case 1:

A user is deleted, the deletion task is run properly by the scheduler, the state within the webinterface doesn’t get updated (stays at ‘in process’).

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Setup fresh Zammad
  • Delete example user
  • Watch the privacy data task state

Scheduler log

I, [2021-01-21T09:14:10.937793 #1-70327549038780]  INFO -- : execute DataPrivacyTaskJob.perform_now (try_count 0)...
I, [2021-01-21T09:14:10.938268 #1-70327549038780]  INFO -- : Performing DataPrivacyTaskJob (Job ID: 63bc340a-402a-4320-8aac-271579470f32) from DelayedJob(default)
I, [2021-01-21T09:14:12.557570 #1-70327549038780]  INFO -- : Enqueued TicketCreateScreenJob (Job ID: 30abd6f2-a1a8-45c5-9525-bc3bd3908244) to DelayedJob(default) at 2021-01-21 08:14:22 UTC
I, [2021-01-21T09:14:12.593244 #1-70327549038780]  INFO -- : Performed DataPrivacyTaskJob (Job ID: 63bc340a-402a-4320-8aac-271579470f32) from DelayedJob(default) in 1654.85ms
I, [2021-01-21T09:14:12.593433 #1-70327549038780]  INFO -- : ended DataPrivacyTaskJob.perform_now took: 1.662182316 seconds.

Use case 2:

LDAP integration is configured, users should be imported, configuration dialog stays at ’ Counting entries. This may take a while.’ indefinitely.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Setup fresh Zammad
  • Configure LDAP integration for the first time

Scheduler log

I, [2021-01-21T09:28:08.346334 #1-47249299742760]  INFO -- : 2021-01-21T09:28:08+0100: [Worker(host:a7129ab8f5ce pid:1)] Job AsyncImportJob [13ab6015-e3c1-49d4-b238-834930b3a1e3] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [{"_aj_globalid"=>"gid://zammad/ImportJob/1"}] (id=25) (queue=default) RUNNING
I, [2021-01-21T09:28:08.375590 #1-47249299742760]  INFO -- : Performing AsyncImportJob (Job ID: 13ab6015-e3c1-49d4-b238-834930b3a1e3) from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: #<GlobalID:0x00007fecd17385f0 @uri=#<URI::GID gid://zammad/ImportJob/1>>
I, [2021-01-21T09:28:09.192676 #1-47249299742760]  INFO -- : Performed AsyncImportJob (Job ID: 13ab6015-e3c1-49d4-b238-834930b3a1e3) from DelayedJob(default) in 816.89ms
I, [2021-01-21T09:28:09.196384 #1-47249299742760]  INFO -- : 2021-01-21T09:28:09+0100: [Worker(host:a7129ab8f5ce pid:1)] Job AsyncImportJob [13ab6015-e3c1-49d4-b238-834930b3a1e3] from DelayedJob(default) with arguments: [{"_aj_globalid"=>"gid://zammad/ImportJob/1"}] (id=25) (queue=default) COMPLETED after 0.8499

Additional infos:

All other parts of Zammad seem to work properly.

Docker stack:

On top of this stack, there is a central nginx server, conduction SSL encryption and forwarding the /ws requests to port 6042.

I suspect the problem to be a communication problem between the scheduler and the rails server, I cannot find any error in any log though.
How is the acknowledgement of successful scheduler tasks working?

I’m very thankful for every little hint!

So, I found the solution myself!
The interconnection seems to be done via the chache.
Zammad uses a file cache by default, but the separate Docker containers don’t share the filesystem of course. Introducing a memcached fixed the problem!

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This confused me. Our docker-compose does have a memcached container included…?

Yes, sorry, maybe my description wasn’t exactly clear enough.

We didn’t use your starting point for our docker stack but created our own one (that’s why I attached the stack diagram).

Our reasons for that are mainly that we don’t use “upstream” images but always draft and build the images (and stacks) on our own (to a certain extent). This is mainly a security constraint. Additionally we don’t want to use elastic search yet due to manpower limitations (as far as we understood it’s purely optional - is that true though?).

Therefore, we used the instructions for the source installation which don’t mention memcached.

So it was basically a homemade problem :wink:

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Thank you for enlightening me :slight_smile:

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