Emails no longer imported after migration


  • Used Zammad version: 2.6.x
  • Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, …)
  • Operating system: CentOS
  • Browser + version: All

Expected behavior:

Scheduler doing it’s job and importing emails

Actual behavior:

Hello. I have migrated the VM as a whole from vcenter to another service. First I got Bad Gateway but found that postgresl could not be started becauseof a .lock file.
Now I see that no emails are being imported.
The scheduler is running according to production log. It is also set to active according to rail c.
If I use the command
zammad run rails r “Channel.fetch”
then I receive the emails.

What is wrong?

Thank you

If you’re really still using a Zammad version 2.6, I strongly encourage you to upgrade your installation.
You’re prune to tons of security issues!

Apart from that, if the following command on rails console does return true, service restarts may help.
If that doesn’t help, it’s a total shot in the blue - upgrade first in that case and re-check.

Scheduler.find_by(name: 'Check Channels').active

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