Customers created via the login portal do not get customer permissions

  • Used Zammad version: 5.1.x
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: debian 11
  • Browser + version: Edge 101.0.1210.39, Chrome 101.0.4951.67

Expected behavior:

  • After a customer has created an account, customer’s permission should be assigned automatically to that account

Actual behavior:

  • when an account is created by a customer, the account does not automatically have the customer’s permissions added to it, so when the customer logs in to our platform, he only gets a blank page.
    We (admins) have to add that permission manually for each account created by our products users.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • A customer goes on the login page select the registration link and follows the registration process.
  • An account is then created on our Zammad platform, but the customer’s permission is not
    assigned to that account (actually no permission is assigned to the account)
  • The customer receives a verification Email can validate it and once he logs in he get a blank page.
  • only way to resolve that issue is by adding Customer’s permission manually to that account.

Is there a way to allow these permissions to be added to every account created by our Customers automatically?



Settings → Roles → ‘Customer’ → ‘Default at signup’ is true?

1 Like

Hi TomGem, you have saved my life, thank you very much. This setting was set to no

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