Custom triggers links doesn't work


  • Used Zammad version: 5.0.x
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Browser + version: Chrome

Expected behavior:

When any trigger is configured with links inside the content from the ticket, we expected that the link can to redirect from the ticket. We use “#{config.http_type}://#{config.fqdn}/#ticket/zoom/#{}”.

Actual behavior:

When we were making differents tests with the ticket and the link redirect from the public ip from the zammad, but in this moment, we have our own domain, but the variable “#{config.fqdn}” doesn’t use the domain, we try to put manually the domain instead of the variable “#{config.fqdn}”

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

When any trigger work with links from the ticket.

I’m confused.
The screenshot you provided doesn’t reflect your description.

In case you copy pasted the variable stuff from somewhere, paste the content without formatting to ensure your browser copies the relevant data. Zammad makes a link out of the construct on the fly when it’s needed.

In case you’re talking about Zammad filling the fqdn but with an incorrect value, you may want to have a look into your systems configuration because the FQDN comes from the database.


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