I want to create a ticket only for the first “To:” address, if the user sends an email to group1@ and group2@, only create a ticket for the group1, and if the user sends an email do randomperson@ and puts “Cc:” group1@ and group2@ just ignore that.
I tried with filters but then I think I will have to create a filter to every combination of groups possible, so I created this topic to check if there is some general configuration to achieve that
Edit: Actually I was trying to configure some filters, and I can only put one “To:” in the filter section, so if the user sends to group1@ and group2@ in the “To:” header it will create 2 tickets.
as far as I’m aware there’s no logic in Zammad in Zammad that would recognize such a ticket.
My guess on your problem is that this is more than one email account we’re talking about.
So technically your issue will rather be that if I sent a mail to 2 mailboxes, that this on the mail server side will create 2 emails. We will then import two mails based on our information we receive.
This is in my opinion a perfect usual behavior.
Or I’m missing crucial input that should change my mind or perspective.
Maybe you can enlighten us on how those mail accounts are configured. Like… are they aliases, different servers etc etc.
Email 1 is: group1@zammad.com anything this email receives goes directly to the group1
Email 2 is: group2@zammad.com anything this email receives goes directly to the group2
When I hit send, this one mail will create two tickets, with the same subject and body for group1 and group2. So if the sender spams my groups I wanted to create only 1 ticket for 1 group, to avoid multiple groups working in the same issue, in this case the group1 is the first in the “To:” field, so what I wanted was to create only a ticket for group1.
Well there’s your problem.
You’re technically creating two independent emails.
Zammad can’t reliably determine if these are duplicates and thus should be imported once only.
I doubt that this will be addressable Zammad wise one day.
It’s actually one mail delivered to multiple addresses, all these headers (and body) are the same in both of them.
So when it “arrives” for a second time, I want to check if it already exists and don’t create a second ticket for the same message.
Could be an option to when an email has multiple address flag it somehow (Message-ID header) and only create one ticket.