Changing Agent Group Permission Role does not change Existing User Permissions


  • Used Zammad version: 3.3.0
  • Used Zammad installation source: apt package
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • Browser + version: Brave

Expected behavior:

  • On Changing the Agent Group in ‘Roles’, the current agent’s roles should also change

Actual behavior:

  • The Agent already created do not get affected with permission change and continue to have the previous permission

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Create Any role
  • Create Any User of that Role
  • Change Group Permission of Role
  • Notice that permission of that User did not change


  • Have a button called ‘Apply Roles to Current Users’ to have all the users under current roles reset their permission to match current roles

As Zammad is a web application, it may be affected by Browser caching.
This means that after changing permissions, you most proberbly may want to relaod the agents browser session.

Note that reloading may take a moment, depending on your systems load to “take” the change. I’m talking about up to 5 minutes here, no longer. Zammad shouldn’t provide tickets within overviews you don’t have access to if they’re coming in new and thus couldn’t be cached yet.

Also, if opening a new ticket you didn’t open yet and no longer have access to should return permission denied.

Want to ensure that your agents reload?
Send them a message and enforce application reloading:

Thanks so much for your answer. I really appreciate your help and support.

Edit : Will check your above post just in case and confirm the test results :slight_smile:

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