Change the color of zammad theme


  • Used Zammad version: V3.5
  • Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, …) package
  • Operating system: centos
  • Browser + version: chrome

Expected behavior:

  • change the color of zammad theme to a lighter shade of grey , to avoid the complains from my agents and my managers

Actual behavior:

  • I dont know how I could do it , I have access to /opt/zammad/app/assets/stylesheets
    directory and know I dont know which file should I alter.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

the left bar is too dark

You can change elements of the website by adding a custom stylesheet to /opt/zammad/app/assets/stylesheets/custom. After you created your stylesheet you have to run zammad run rails assets:precompile followed by a zammad restart.
After that you hit F5 in your browser and you should see your changes.
I too modified the visibility of the menu items but not by changing the gray background but by changing the text and icon color slightly.
Here’s my menu customization:

.menu-item {

.user-menu-icon {

.menu-item-icon {

It’s only a subtle change but raises the readability enough and still looks modern.
Please note: after updating from 3.4 to 3.5 the stylesheet was still present in the custom folder but my changes weren’t applied to the site any longer. I simply had to run the above mentioned command again to make it reappear.


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