Auto-group/-assign/-dispatch incoming tickets?

Hey folks,

just a few beginners questions before beginning…
Is it possible to assign incoming tickets based on rules?

Let’s say for the following example:
if body contains “Lady Gaga” or “Madonna” assign group “pop”
if body contains “Johannes Sebastian Bach” assign group “classic”
in any other case keep it unassigned

Or assign a customer number?
if sender is found in address book/LDAP/whatever assign customer number refering to address book

Or to topics…
if customer number is categorized as VIP and body contains “urgent” do a defined “priority” action?

Are such or similar things possible with Zammad?

Each answer is very appreciated.

Kind regards

Yes! You could use Triggers or email filters.

Not 100% sure, but this should work as well.


Like ticket priority, VIP status doesn’t actually do anything out-of-the-box, but an admin can set up automated system hooks based on this value, or use it as a filter for custom overviews.

I’d recommend reading the linked parts of the documentation.
Let me know if you have any further questions!


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Small addition to LDAP

Note that Zammad does not check LDAP addressbooks.
If however a user attribute of your ldap object does contain a specific information that you synchronize with Zammad (which it by default does hourly) it can check on specific attribute values if needed during the runtime of a scheduler or trigger.

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That was what I meant to say. I should have been more precise. Thank you, @MrGeneration!

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