Attachments are not forwarded


  • Used Zammad version: 3.0
  • Operating system: CentOS
  • Browser + version: Chrome, FF latest version

Actual behavior:

  • Attachments are displayed but is not sent with forwarded mail
  • was tested in version 2.9 and 3.0
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Can you please share a screencast showing how you can reproduce this?
From the information provided and my local installation, I can’t reproduce this.

Sorry for the late response.
Here a few screenshots:

Smells like this is this Bug:

we got the same problem in 3.1.x latest Build

The attachment is still displayed in the ticket before it is sent.

After saving the forwarded message, the attachment has disappeared in both the feed and email.

Best regards
Andreas Berndt

Please check if you’re affected by this bug:

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