Agent Reply from Email


  • Used Zammad version: 3.6
  • Used Zammad installation source: debian package
  • Operating system: Linux
  • Browser + version: Chrome 87.0

Hello, :smile:,
I have my support and agents and

Expected behavior:

  • To be able to reply using the email without getting into the application and the response is recorded as an agent reply

Actual behavior:

  • I can’t receive the base ticket email to be able to continue the workflow

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • send an email to the main email configured, then advice how can the agent and customer reply externally through email and tickets gets updated.

Hi @benoanwar

stupid question: have you defined your email channels correctly?

Are you using an IMAP or POP3 account? Do you use fetchmail and/or procmail as well?


Hii @rsysadmin,
No not stupid at all :smile:.
They are defined correctly anyway, I am using IMAP. The point is how should I reply when I am not getting the original ticket? I am getting a notification of the ticket and then I reply and change the reply email to the instead of (notification email). I figured that out after some testing as the main email is not setupped at any of the agents, they have their personal emails.
PS. Things weren’t recording at all, but after i reinstalled zammad things went fine, i guess there was something wrong while installing.
Thank you in advance :smile:

Hi @benoanwar

Nice to hear that it is working now.

You need a valid email address for your customers to contact you.
Zammad should be able to use it for its replies as a noreply@domain.tld would be a) confusing for the customer, b) dismissed by the Zammad default filters under Channels > Email, and then this:


I understand this:
“I want to reply to a agent notification which shall be the reply of my agent to the customer”

If that’s what you want:
This is not possible and a design decision.
We currently don’t plan to change this behavior, before you have to ask.

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