Add omniauth_openid_connect support

The current oauth2 generic integration is not really compatible. Therefore I would like to suggest the integration of the openid_connect package. Gitlab uses the package from and has provided good compatibility.

Here is a successful integration that works for the billing system WHMCS.

{ 'name' => 'openid_connect',
'label' => 'Billing System',
'args' => {
  'name' => 'openid_connect',
  'scope' => ['openid','profile', 'email'],
  'response_type' => 'code',
  'issuer' => '',
  'discovery' => true,
  'client_auth_method' => 'query',
  'client_options' => {
 'identifier' => 'BILLING.COM.UELuAJ2rJ32432423424G14Q==',
 'secret' => 'x8XBI/343klö324k234+N/kl234lkdrkjl324jlkwer/WdXyodAbZfUdhQNQl+VUGDFzoNLi2GyEAw==',
 'redirect_uri' => ''
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Hello straussmann if I get you right you created your own openid_connect integration for Zammad. Or how did you manage to set it up?

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